It's been a long time comin' but its finally done and ready! I've tried in the past to produce an issue every quarter but so far this year, I've only been able to finish this one issue. It's probably one of the most colorful and again, a favorite! I have a guest Travel Reporter- Cindy Craine of Texas. I met her this past Spring and one a month or so ago I saw a post she did on a place in Oklahoma that I have been wanting to go to for years-Cloverleaf Boutique. It's the most awesome place.
This is just a tease of the article. I really really want to go to this place sooooo bad. I know you will too!
Here's another page with all the contents and articles. It's a great issue, and I hope you love it as much as I do. This is the link for you to order:
You can also get the issue digitally as well for only $3! That way you can always have the issue with you, if you have a Nook or e-reader. If the link doesn't work, email me at [email protected]
Blissfully Yours, Tricia